It’s getting cold folks!

To me that means that a warm blanket and a pot on the stove are necessities for comfort.  I bought a furry blanket for mom last Christmas and its my favorite! Yes, I still have it….it was so soft and she has too many blankets anyway! The kids know they can cozy up with it but Never take it to their rooms and Never leave it out for Hoss (our Cavalier) to cozy up on…its mine, I love it. Last night we had Beef Stew and tonight Ham & Beans (I used Pepper’d Smoked Pork Jowl). I’ve pretty much perfected The Pumpkin Muffin and I am telling you “This Is Fall”!  Our last football, volleyball, and softball games were last week and wrestling and basketball start this week. The seasons are changing.

 I love living is southwest Missouri.  I love the changing seasons.  I love that if ya’ don’t like the weather you can just wait a week (or 24 hours) and it will change. Loving change does not mean that I love the ice-the bitter cold- the wind…I like change but I don’t like the “unknown”, black ice on a highway. That’s not change to me, its risk.

I was ready for and NEEDED a change when I made the decision to close the restaurant and focus on pies. In that change there was definitely risk. I was craving the changing in season and very unnerved about the possibility of black ice. This choice is an unknown- I’ve been running this restaurant since I was twenty two years old. BBQ for the past 22 years.  Now I’m no longer twenty two, there’s no need for math. I can promise you that last year I had no time for Stewing, I bought Pumpkin muffins at Starbucks before the sun came up, and haven’t made a pot of Ham&Beans in years. I’m paying attention.  I find myself laughing more than I have since a time when I had few responsibilities. I’ve had time to read multiple books strictly for the purpose of entertainment. I’ve chosen to waste my time wisely – with no apologies.

Work ethic is very important to me. It’s very important that my children understand there’s a joy in a JOB well done and being tired after a long/hard days work is to be admired. It’s also very important that my children know that hard work pays off but it shouldn’t be to our detriment. I want them to have the courage to realize when/if they are unhappy and use courage that Matt and I have taught them to make a change. I believe in leading by example.

I’m ready for the bitter wind, I’ve got a heavy coat, I also know that when snow comes there’s beauty that can’t be found in summertime. The ice crystals that are each unique and sparkle like crystals in sunshine that will soon turn them to water.

I’ve also got that warm blanket….and I can turn flour-salt and shortening into a crust faster than most folks can make a cup of coffee. Its quiet these days- a lot of Fleetwood Mac and Chris Stapleton (wouldn’t that be a show!!)  playing in the last couple months and I am getting used to it. That doesn’t mean that I’m not ready to bake up a storm this holiday season. Heck -why not? I can bake a mean Pumpkin Muffin!

Know that your holiday pies are baked with intention. The intention of our Pie being the perfect ending to your Thanksgiving gathering.